When someone asks my best friend Sabrina what superpower she wishes she had, her answer is always: “the power to spot a fake designer bag.” Can you relate?
If you’ve been searching the internet high and low for the perfect deal on a gorgeous luxury bag that you can add to your collection for just a fraction of the luxury price, then you know what dangerous territory this market can be.
Yes, there are sites in the secondary handbag market that offer legitimate designer goods. However, the market is also full of frauds and fakes.
So – how can you spot fake designer bags in 2019, and distinguish the truth from the lies?
Unfortunately, our team here at Shop 375 doesn’t (yet) have the magical Fake Detector superpower. But we do know a lot about authenticating designer goods. So, we want to offer you these 7 guidelines to help you make smarter decisions and avoid the most prevalent tricks and traps used by the fakes.
1. “If it seems too good to be true…”
This old piece of advice you’ve undoubtedly heard more than once is more relevant than ever in the 2019 secondary handbag market.
Luxury bags are expensive for a reason – there’s a cost for the quality and craftsmanship that go into they’re making. And even a reseller has to make some profit, otherwise, the business model just doesn’t make sense.
So, if you see a gorgeous Hermès Birkin bag offered for only about $2,000 – you’re right to be suspicious.
2. Check the logo proportions
Luxury designers take their logos seriously. So, if the proportions of a logo seem off, it’s a common sign of a fake bag.
Pay attention to the lettering. A fake bag will often have a logo where the letters are slightly the wrong size or not consistently even.
Also, look at the placement of a logo. A real designer bag will be precise about the centering and placement of the logo. A slight deviation is an indicator of a fake.
3. Check the dust bag
A dust bag is a detail that counterfeiters often sacrifice. Though they may provide their fake handbag with a dust bag, that dust bag is typical of poor quality.
Again, pay attention to the branding on the dust bag. Are the logo proportions off? Is the printing sloppy? Has the ink been smudged? These could be signs of a counterfeit.
Note: not all authentic dust bags from a designer will be the same. For example, sometimes Hermès uses just one circle around its brand image and sometimes there is multiple circles. So, it’s good to do your research in advance and know what to expect from an authentic dust bag.
4. Stitching and Glue
Stitching is, perhaps, one of the most important details you can focus on. Replicating quality stitching is hard to do without investing lots of money into production, so it’s an area where fake bag makers often skimp.
However, make sure you know your brand. If a bag is handcrafted, the quality comes from the individualized attention, but it means you won’t get the “carbon copy perfection” you’d get from a manufactured bag.
Glue is often another tell-tale sign of a counterfeit. Make sure to pay attention to the edges around the hardware and the stitching where the bag’s components come together. If you see any signs of glue oozing from the seam - run away fast.
Visible glue is not only the sign of fake, but it’s also the sign of a poorly crafted bag – and that’s just not worth your money.
5. Rough around the edges?
Another area you should pay attention to is the cut of any leather pieces that are part of the bag.
A true luxury bag will be careful to cut the leather cleanly and carefully, whether this process is done by machine or hand. So, a poorly cut piece of leather is a sign of a fake.
6. What’s inside counts
Counterfeiters often give a lot of attention on the outside of a bag but neglect the fine details of the interior.
Not only are they less careful about the interior lining and materials, but this is also often where they can be sloppy about labels. So be sure to check the interior label and look at the logo font, the logo proportions, the stitching, the leather cut…all these tell-tale signs need to be there on the inside too.
7. Carded
Many designer bags come with authentication cards. So, it’s a good idea to do your research and know what to expect, because every designer’s approach to carding can be different, or even vary from product to product.
And don’t forget that an authentic card can be placed in a fake bag – so make sure to do your due diligence beyond just the card.
Have you ever been bamboozled by a fake bag? Tell us your story!
And check out our collection of REAL designer goods at SALE prices at